Wednesday 19 September 2018

Virtual Field Trip

Virtual field trips allow teachers to take students beyond the classroom walls without actually moving. They give teachers and students the possibility of visiting places around the world and learning about other cultures through videoconferences.
Visit Jefferson's Monticello

Learning Objectives
  • Learn about Thomas Jefferson's ideas that helped shaped a nation
  • Learn about Monticello as an architectural icon
  • Find out about Monticello as a plantation that was supported by enslaved labor

Activity Description

Monticello was the home of Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rdpresident of the United States of America. The revolutionary ideas of this man of the Enlightenment were instrumental in the creation of the United States. His home in Charlottesville, Virginia, is an architectural icon, with its neoclassical design drafted by Jefferson himself. But Monticello was also a working plantation, and the home to hundreds of enslaved people. The Founding Father who wrote “all men are created equal” was also a lifelong slave owner. Using images, props, and Google Streetview, a Monticello educator will introduce students to Thomas Jefferson’s world.

If you want to book a place to visit Monticello with your students, or any other field trip visit this site.

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